Restaurant Accounting A/P Review Margin Edge – Complete Review Of MarginEdge

MarginEdge is an excellent software for restaurant operators from independents to
multi-units. The software is effective whether you are offering your customers
full service or casual dining. MarginEdge is created to help you with accounts
payable, eliminate issues with paperwork and streamline your operations. You
are provided with a platform for digital invoice processing integrated with a POS
Your most important activities are streamlined, including vendor bill payments
and invoice entry. Powerful tools are provided to back your cost tracking, live
budget, online ordering, recipe management and inventory. All you have to do is
take pictures to enable the software to save you valuable time. MarginEdge is
founded in the United States in 2014.

The founders of MarginEdge are responsible for managing the inventory of
more than thirty restaurants. They understood that the hours necessary for inventory
management must be decreased. The founders also understood the importance
of accuracy. The inventory management system includes the following:
Inventory Standardization for All Locations: If you are responsible for multiple
locations, you can make your job easier by standardizing your product
categories and count units. All of your product units and names are centrally
coded by Margin Edge.
Automatic Pricing Updates: If you are struggling to update your product prices
every month, you need automation. The invoice processing tool will
automatically update your product prices as your invoices arrive.

The Digital Age: Due to technology, you no longer need spreadsheets and
clipboards. All you need to record your counts is a tablet or laptop. You can
effectively use MarginEdge whether you are offline or online. This means if your
WiFi drops in your freezer or storeroom, you can still record your counts.
Approve and Export: After you have received your counts, they can be reviewed
and approved by management. You will easily be able to determine if your
inventory increased or decreased. Once you are certain everything is accurate,
you can simply give your approval prior to exporting everything to accounting.

Automatically Updating Recipes
The prices of your ingredients will remain current due to daily inventory
processing. This means you will always know how much your recipes cost.
MarginEgde provides intuitive and simple charts so you can monitor price
movements in real-time to determine the impact on your business.

Sharing Recipes
Sharing recipes with a restaurant group can be difficult. This is especially true
for adjusting ingredients. MarginEdge is a simple and effective option. You only
need to update your recipe once for it to be available for your entire team. You
have full control because you decide which locations to share your recipe with.
You set the prices for your menu to make certain your plate costs are profitable.
You can run scenarios to determine if you need to remove a certain plate from
your menu or increase the price.

Food Cost Management
MarginEdge enables you to handle critical issues as they occur. You can see the
cost of food and beverages, effectively track your budget and compare the
ingredient usage of multiple locations. Your purchases and sales are
automatically imported to ensure your P&L remains controlled for the entire
period. Changes in inventory are factored in immediately as soon as your counts
are completed.

Your Budget
You can use key categories for setting the percentages of your costs per dollar.
You can look at your closed inventories and invoice details to determine what is
driving your numbers. MarginEdge also offers online bill pay. This is a convenient
and fast option for paying your bills on your schedule. You can accomplish this
directly from the MarginEdge platform to ensure your bills are paid on time. You
can see each vendor’s due date, cover multiple locations with a single payment
and eliminate the need to mail your bills.

Final Thoughts
MarginEdge provides you with excellent software for managing your restaurant.
The tools, advantages for accounts payable and direct access will make it easier
and simpler to remain current with everything necessary to manage your

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